On Saturday July 20, 2024, Holy Family Parish organized a program focused on the Missionary Childhood Association (MCA). The event aimed to educate children about Evangelization and their role within the parish.

Total number of the participants were 44. The program commenced with a prayer song, setting a spiritual tone for the day. Children were divided into four groups. Each group discussed and noted down their insights on two key questions:

What is Evangelization?

What is my role in the parish?

Through these discussions, children gained a deeper understanding of Evangelization and their responsibilities within the parish community.

Following the group discussions, children participated in an informative session about the Missionary Childhood Association (MCA).

They learned about MCA’s mission, goals, and how they could actively contribute to spreading the good news.

By the end of the program, children were not only aware of MCA but also inspired to share with less fortunate children.

The event fostered a sense of compassion and responsibility among the participants. The program ended with the Holy Eucharistic celebration and all the participants actively participated by conducting the liturgy. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Rev. Fr. Clarence Dias for his unwavering encouragement and support in establishing MCA in the parish.

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