The Diocese of Shimoga was erected by virtue of the Apostolic Bull titled “Id Spectantes” of Pope John Paul II, on 14th November, 1988. On the same day, through his Apostolic letter, “Benevolentian quidem Nostram”, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Ignatius Pinto - till then Vicar General of Archdiocese of Bangalore - was appointed the first bishop of the Diocese Shimoga, by Pope John Paul II.
While thanking Almighty God for His bounties on our diocese in the past 24 years, we could do no wrong to recall the zeal and service of all ministers of the Word of God, who have preceded us to their heavenly reward. The confraternity of the men and women who have toiled at grounding and nurturing the seed of faith, is not small in number. They sustained faith in the hearts, mind and lives of the faithful. Their endeavours might make us feel small, for a moment. Yet it is also a time for us to feel proud of our achievements, both great and small, in this Vineyard of the Lord. May the good Lord, inspire and empower us to reach greater heights, in the care of the “little flock” entrusted to us in this part of God’s universal kingdom.
The celebration of the Silver Jubilee of our diocese will commence on 14th November 2012, alongside the celebration of the “Year of Faith” in the diocese. The inaugural ceremony of the of the “Year of Faith” as well as of the Silver jubilee of the diocese, will be conducted on 7th October, 2012, at the Sacred Heart Cathedral, Shimoga. The Eucharistic celebration that begins the ceremony, will commence at 4.00 p.m .