Rev. Fr Paul D'Souza

Born:  10.12.1972, Ordained: 04.05.2004, Died: 03.08.2024

Fr Paul D'Souza who passed away on Saturday, 03 August 2024 exemplifies the Paschal Mystery of the Lord's death and resurrection. Innately a good person, he had a life of early zeal and devotion as a young seminarian and a newly ordained priest, spending himself with great enthusiasm and energy for the service of the people of God wherever he was placed. In fact people loved him, appreciated him and considered him a friend, opened their doors to him as well as their hearts. That was because of his humanness, simplicity, availability, approachability and unfailing friendliness.


However he had his share of Lord's Passion. Just like anyone else, he had to bear the burden of human woundedness and weakness. He had to wrestle with ferocious demons and unruly passions. Many times he succeeded but there were times he could not. But through all  this daily Calvary, one thing never left him, namely, his strong faith, his tender devotion to Mother Mary, his love for priesthood, his zeal for ministry and his pastoral care for the flock. Several times, he has had to groan from the depths of his soul, "Out of the depths I cry to you my God, Lord hear my plea". And as it was for St Paul, his patron so it was for him, the answer was always,  "My grace is enough for you".

In recent years by the necessity of his physical health and other needs he had to take to a quiet, prayerful life of solitude and silence. This was certainly a very rich and fruitful time for him personally and the mission of the church, in the service of faith leading to the fullness of life in Christ. That is exactly what marked Fr Paul's life as a priest . He always celebrated life, appreciated and acclaimed fellow priests for their achievements and sought to deepen the bonds of fraternity among his fellow priests.

Now that Fr Paul D'Souza is no more in this earthly life, we can truly hear him saying, "I have fought a good fight, I have run the race and I have kept my faith. Now what is waiting for me is the crown of victory". Therefore even as we bid him farewell to this earthly existence let us rejoice with him in his heavenly bliss. Fr Paul's life has shown us that Calvary is not the end of the story, the Cross is only a way to the Resurrection, and God's grace can far surpass all human weakness. May the Lord be close to his elderly mother, two sisters and all his dear ones at this hour of grief. RIP

+Francis Serrao SJ

Bishop of Shimoga

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