The programme commenced at 8:45 AM with the recitation of the Rosary, followed by the Eucharistic celebration. After the Mass, children from the 4th standard onwards remained for the programme, with a total of 47 participants.

The seminar commenced with a prayer song. Fr Santhosh Almeida, the parish priest, welcomed all attendees. The participants were provided with an input session emphasizing the significance of evangelization in the lives of Christians. Subsequently, the participants were divided into four groups and engaged in discussions on the topic "The Role of Children in the Parish."

The 16 steps prayer proposed by the book Kirana was explained to the children, and they were encouraged to conduct the Holy Childhood Day actively and creatively. Maria Teresa, a 10th-standard student, delivered the vote of thanks.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Rev. Fr Santhosh Almeida, the parish priest, the Sisters of the St Dominic community in Karehalli, and the catechism teachers for their generous support and cooperation, which were instrumental in the successful execution of the MCA Programme.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Fr. Alvine Stanislaus



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