On Thursday, 13 March 2025, the volunteers of the Prison Ministry of India, Shimoga, organised the Women’s Day Celebration for the inmates of the Central Prison of Shivamogga. On this special occasion the Sr Elize Lourdh SCB and other volunteers neatly organised the events to entertain and at the same time to educate the inmates on the meaning, necessity and importance of the Women’s Day Celebration. There were fifty participants who took active part in the celebration.  After a short prayer, Mrs Ambika welcomed the gathering stressing on the time spent by the volunteers to spend in the prison and share the concept of women. She mentioned how the United Nations has given stress on the celebration of the day.

Sr Elize Lourdh SCB explained the theme of the day: Embrace Equity' and Accelerate Action,  showing the necessity of equity in today’s world. She explained how every society women have a special place and how every individual has to work to bring about the togetherness and dignity. Brief explanation was given by the resource persons, Sr Elize Lourdh, Mrs Anna Davis and Mrs Violet stressing on function of women in their families. They conducted several short games and mini competitions for the inmates. The volunteers distributed prizes to the inmates and offered fruits and other eatables to those present. Mrs. Irudaya Mary, Ms Clara and Ms. Zeenath played active role in the organization.

The Sub- Jailor Mrs. Shantha in her vote of thanks appreciated the generous contribution of the Prison Ministry of India volunteers, for the meaningful program and thanked the team for the regular visits and awareness sessions. She told them that they looking forward to their future visits. The programme ended with a short prayer and a hymn.

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