Yuvamitra, youth commission of the diocese of Shimoga organised a four days residential enlivening program for members of DTS (Diocesan Team of Students) at ‘Chaitanya’ the Social work and Training centre from 4 October 2022 to 7 October 2022. Enlivening is a training program for Central Team members and diocesan YCS/YSM and ICYM Office Bearers to transform them to be formed into excellent leaders, outstanding orators and well qualified organisers.

After a short prayer the program commenced with self introduction by the participants through unique inter-active way enabling them to start thinking creatively. All the DTS members were given an option to use mobiles or deposit them with the organisers. Surprisingly all the participants opted for “Mobile Free Three Days”.

The Session was entitled ‘FACE IT’ which has helped the participants to face life challenges better and accept their own short-comings and limitations. Sr Tresa Lidya BS conducted the session on realities of life which included several relationship issues like love, friendship and infatuation and coping up with stress and tension in life. Thee participants expressed that this session was a great help and useful and they have benefitted a lot from it.

Practical session on Table manners and etiquette was conducted, guided by Rev Fr Clifford Roshan Pinto, the Director of the Diocesan Social work Centre.
He guided the DTS members into basic table manners and preparing dining table systematically. Spiritual Animation is one of the major and basic content of the Enlivening program. The participants took part in the daily morning meditation on all the three days. They took active part daily in the Holy Eucharist and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the evening.

The programme included a special time for the sacrament of reconciliation with special theme on reconciliation and faith formation. Most Rev Dr Francis Serrao S.J. Bishop of Shimoga was the main celebrant of Holy Eucharist on the final day. In his homily he highlighted the importance of prayer in our life as Christians and spoke on different methods of prayer necessary in our relationship with God. Enlivening programme was concluded on 7th of October 2022 at 12 noon with evaluation and concluding prayer.