A special day for Consecrated people was arranged in the Dioceses of Shimoga at Sannidhi, the Diocesan Pastoral Centre on Wednesday, 26th of February, 2025. The programme commenced at 9.30 am with registration. Ninety religious sisters and fifty five priests both of the Diocese and Religious joined the celebration. Fr nelson D’Souza was the master of ceremonies. After the short prayer Bishop Francis Serrao S.J. welcomed the members present and introduced the speaker of the day, Fr Sunil Kumar D’Souza, Professor canon Law at St Peter’s Pontifical Seminary, Bangalore.  Fr Sunil spoke for the next 55 minutes on the topic of the Jubilee and Synodality, Pilgrims of Hope and the Consecrated Life.  In a very gentle and simple way he explained the topic and touched the basic points of Consecrated life essential in today’s world.

After a short break Holy Eucharist was celebrated and Bishop Francis Serrao S.J. presided . Fr Sunil Kumar D’Souza, broke the word of God, explaining the parables of the Kingdom of the treasure and the pearl.

A formal function followed the Holy Eucharist, where fifteen Jubilarians completing their period of religious vows were honoured. There were two celebrating their diamond jubilee, two completing then golden jubilee and eleven had crossed their silver or 25years of religious life. Bishop Francis and V.G. Mgr. Stany honoured each and every one of them, while Fr Venil read the short bio data of each person. After this few minutes were spent in relaxation where Frs Vinuth and Kiran organised good attractive group games. After some announcements made by the Bishop and vote of thanks, the group moved to the dining hall to savour delicious lunch.

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