Christ the King Church at Jog Falls organised a special day for the women of Shimoga Diocese on Sunday, 9th of March, 2025, to celebrate the World Women’s Day which is annually held on the 8th of March. About 350 persons were present. Mrs Mary D'Souza the executive president of women's commission welcomed the gathering to Jog falls Parish to celebrate this great event. The Programme commenced with a meaningful liturgy prepared by Vianney deanery representatives.  Sr Elize Lourdh SCB the Secretary for Women’s Commission  Shimoga Diocese along with her team organised the entire Women’s Day Celebrations. Sr Elize Lourdh SCB introduced the topic of the day and explained the role of women and girl child in today’s society.  She explained the rich symbolism of Mary our Mother as the model to every woman in the world and explained the dignity she showed as a woman during the life and suffering of Christ. She also explained the role of the United nations in establishing this day and stressing the role of women in the world.

Fr. Simon Pinto Coordinator, Diocesan Pastoral Commissions presided over the Eucharist and preached a meaningful homily. Fr. Simon Pinto along with Sr. Nancy Lobo, the Karnataka Regional Co-ordinator as resource persons, provided sufficient rich material for reflection and implementation. The theme of the day was:  Empowerment of the Girl & Women in every sphere especially in the context of gender discrimination. They explained specifically the origin of the celebration, historical sideling of women and establishing the dignity of women.  The resource persons explained that as we take part in the celebration, stressed on the theme to be highlighted: Empowerment of women and Girls and “Together we can Accelerate Action." Fr. Salvadore, the Parish Priest was the wonderful host to the celebration and presided over the programme. In his presidential address he spoke about the theme namely the dignity of women and the present day gender discrimination problem.  He congratulated every woman for the role they play in their family and society. He invited all present there for the celebration to enjoy the day at Jog in the cosy atmosphere and to celebrate the dignity of every girl and women.

The entire Women's Day celebration at Jog falls had colourful event that began with the lighting of Lamps by the guests and women representatives.  There was the Bible exhibition of Bible in different languages, a special display of the stamps of 265 Popes I history, their pictures, the short history of e-cat and the entrance through special doors in preparation for the Jubilee year 2025.    Mrs Jyothi Maria from Carmel Deanery gave the vote of thanks expressing her gratitude to the resource persons and the host Fr Salvadore. She expressed her joy and appreciation to the participants of the Women’s day Programme.

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