Dr. Francis Serrao S.J., Bishop of Shimoga confirmed 64 candidates during the Eucharistic celebration at the Sacred heart Cathedral, Shimoga. The ceremony took place at the Sunday morning Eucharist at 9.00 am, on the 16th of October, 2022. There were 35 boys and 29 girls who received the Sacrament of Confirmation. The children were very well prepared for the Sacrament by the Fathers, Sisters, and Teachers over the past one year. They explained to them the meaning, function and the role of the sacrament in the church and their role as the soldiers of Christ. The children were given one week of intensive training preceding the actual ceremony.
On the day of the confirmation, the children were present neatly dressed along with their parents and the people of the Parish, as the the Parish Priest and other priests at the Cathedral supervised the programme. Bishop Francis Serrao S.J. himself cross examined each candidate and found them worthy of the sacrament.
The Cathedral Parish is grateful to Bishop Francis Serrao S.J. and all the persons who directly and indirectly were involved in the preparation of the children for the receiving of the sacrament. During the ceremony Bishop Francis preached an inspiring and meaningful homily, explaining the true understanding of the sacrament of in their life. He told them about the historical origin of the Sacrament and how the Holy Spirit is given to each person to strengthen them in their faith.
At the end of the Eucharist each candidate was gifted with a candle, badge, confirmation certificate and holy rosary as a sign of receiving the sacrament. The Bishop gave special blessing to the candidates and invited them to be true warriors of Christ in the church.