The Basic Ecclesial Communities Training programme for the Seminarians of Vianney Minor Seminary to train them in the formation of the Basic Christian ideology. On Monday, 15th of January. The basic concept of BECs was clearly explained to the nine in-training Seminarians at their residence. Fr George V Lobo the Director of BECs Shimoga Diocese was the resource person. The programme commenced at 10.30 am with a short prayer service and the enthroning of the Bible by the resource person.

Fr Santosh Pereira, Rector of the Seminary welcomed all present, Fathers and the resource person. He told the young people of the experience he possesses having worked as Secretary BECs for seven years at the Karnataka Regional Level. He told them of the importance of the topic in the context of the Synodality. Fr George Lobo in a very simple way explained to the Seminarians the origin of the Basic concept and how it is helpful for us to build the Christian communities. He explained its practicality at the parish level.  It was an initiative to motivate the seminarians about BECs to build their interest towards BECs. The Seminar ended at 1.30 pm.  Fr Santosh Pereira thanked the resource person for the deep insight and concluded the meeting with a hymn to our Lady.

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