Davanagere: July 03, 2016: July 3rd the Feast of St. Thomas the Apostle, the Patron and the annual Feast of St. Thomas Church, Davanagere was celebrated on Sunday, July 3rd 2016.  The solemn Feast Holy Mass presided by the Silver Jubilerian of the Diocese Rev. Fr. Simon Pinto together with 45 priests of the Diocese and neighboring Diocese
Rev. Fr. Simon Pinto in his homily exhorted the faithful to deepen their faith in God. St. Thomas the Apostle is not the doubting Apostle rather he is role model and inspiration to experience Jesus personally. He saw person of rise Jesus and expressed his faith as “My Lord and My God”.  Like him we need to experience Jesus personally to deepen our faith. He also said that, we have lack of faith because we have lack of love. The true and genuine love always has deep faith. To deepen our faith in God and neighbor we need to develop genuine and true love.  














Rev. Fr. Steevan D’sa, the parish priest thanked profusely everyone who helped to make the parish annual feast celebration more meaningful and a memorable one. On behalf the parish Fr. Steevan honored three Jubilarian of the Diocese of Shimoga. Rev Fr. Anthony F. D’Souza, the Golden Jubilarian; Rev. Fr. Simon Pinto and Rev.Fr. Denis Mathias, the Silver Jibilarians.
After the solemn Holy Eucharistic celebration there was procession of the statue of St. Thomas the Apostle, the patron of the Parish and thereafter the blessing of the Eucharist. The parishioners of and the faithful from the neighboring parishes took active participate in the Holy Eucharistic celebration. The Parish annual Feast turned the symbol of unity, love and brotherhood which brought together all the relative and family members of the parishioners.

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