Shimoga, Mar. 05, 2019: The diocese of Shimoga celebrated the day of Consecrated on Tuesday, 04 March 2019 in the Sacred Heart Cathedral Community Hall. The diocesan clergy had organised this programme with the leadership of the bishop Most Rev Dr Francis Serrao SJ. The resource person Rev. Fr. Derick D’Souza OFM Cap in his talk said the Consecrated life of the Religious Men and Women are to build the body of Christ, the Church in Service and Love. He further said that we need to imbibe and embody the Spirit of the Gospel through our life and example.

The Vicar General of the diocese Rev. Msgr Fr. Felex Joseph Noronha celebrated his 69th birthday and the Bishop applauded his loving and committed services through his priestly ministry in the diocese and the entire congregation gathered wished him good health of body and mind on his happy birthday.



















The diocese celebrated and felicitated 10 women religious who celebrated their 25 years of fruitful service in the vineyard of the Lord who called them. There was a lot of fun and frolic in the air and sumptuous meal too.


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