Report: Alisha DSouza
Inorder to know and learn and Impliment the " Effective communication and PR skills" a training programme was organized by Rev Fr Francis Assisi D Almeida, Director of Sandesha foundation for culture and education in collaboration with the Karnataka region - commission for social communication.
The Thirteen representatives from the dioceses of Karnataka participated from 6th-8th October 2019 at Sandesha, Mangalore.Dr Edward Nazareth inaugrated this programme.The sessions for the three days conducted by Resource persons by professor Mrs Asha Lobo and Mrs Shobha , Journalists Mr Nandagopal , Mr Ramesh Perla and Mithun Vijay.Several methodologies used by Resource persons were Question and answers, Group discussion, activities, Brain storming, discussion and practical implementation of several topics.
The participants from the diocese of Shimoga were Alisha DSouza, Elvin Dias and Preetham Fernandes.