Movement of grace flooded the city of Bangalore as the YCS/YSM across the Country came together for a National Convention at Paalana Bhavan, Bangalore on 25th- 30th May 2022.
Along with their Director and Lady Animator, thirteen youth from Shimoga Diocese participated in the convention. Inauguration began with a message By Most Rev. Dr Peter Machado, the Archbishop of Bangalore in which he invited the youth  to be ever young and witness more fully our youthfulness. The National flag and that of the YSM/YCS were hoisted and the convention was declared open for participants from the North, South  East and the West.
Every day had its own specific orientation.  The first session enlightened the youth on how to be ever youthful with values that would build a safe society. The exposure visit enabled delegates to see, judge and act as the methodology of YCS/YSM. Participants were enthused, encouraged and empowered as the former YCS/YSM representatives shared their experiences. Session on Social Media with its positive and negative aspects was enlightening.
In other words, the inputs on the blessings and curses of electronic media inspired the youth to choose it as a blessing and use it for the right purpose. The Cell Meetings were the best time for the delegates to share their experiences,  feelings and the challenges that they encounter in their daily life. The participants were moved as Fr Charles Menezes the Youth Director of Udupi Diocese spoke on family as centre of love, and it made clear on how family plays an important role in the formation of a child with true values.
The delegates were filled with joy and satisfaction as they met their friends from different parts of India with different cultural backgrounds and traditions. The  experience was a unique one which  gave a clear understanding of  what YCS/YSM is and does for the growing teens.
This Convention  has transformed the participants  into enlightened and enthused youth who now could transform the world around them. The youth believe in the power of God and the power within them to build a better future and an egalitarian society. The convention has transformed, challenged and moved them towards a right path of life.

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