The Carmel Deanery Shimoga organised training programme of Basic Christian Communities on Friday, 26th of January, 2024 at the Sacred Heart Cathedral Mini Hall, Shimoga. There were 27 participants including 8 Priests, 14 Religious’ Sisters, 3 deacons and two lay deanery team members for the programme.  The Seminar commenced at 10. 30 am with a short prayer and enthronement of the Holy Bible by the Director of BECs, Fr George V Lobo. Fr. Stany D’Souza, Parish Priest of the Cathedral welcomed the gathering. He explained in a very simple way the need and importance of the programme guiding us ultimately to enthuse our Catholics and build the Basic Communities in our Parishes..

He welcomed the resource person Fr George lobo and informed how much he has contributed to Karnataka Dioceses as the Secretary Basic Ecclesial Communities. There were two sessions held first prior to lunch and the session after lunch. The resource person explained the role of each parish to motivate the groups and to build life of prayer based on the Bible. He told those present how in the early church the Basic Communities were considered important. He responded to the queries and taught the simple practical way of implementing them in our parishes. He invited them to promote and strengthen BECs in their respective Parishes and Mission centres.  The meeting ended with a thanksgiving prayer at 3.30 pm. Fr Antony Peter proposed the Vote of Thanks.

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