The volunteers of Prison Ministry of India Shimoga unit organised a half a day session on Friday, 9 February 2024, at the Central Prison for women at Shivamogga. The sessions centred round the topic: Women's Mental Health and Safety, thus to create awareness in the minds of inmates stressing on mental health and safety.  The session commenced at 11 am invoking God's blessings by the PMI volunteers. 

Sr Elize SCB welcomed the people gathered there and particularly the Prison Authorities for their cooperation and support.  She made a special mention of the Superintendent Mrs. Hemavathy, the Jailor Mrs. Savitha and the sub. Jailor Mrs. Shanta. Mrs. Anna Davis and Sr. Rita Saldanha were the resource persons of the day.  They explained how everyone must concentrate on the wellbeing and safety of their family members and associates. The Superintendent spoke expressing her gratitude to all the volunteers and the PMI for their sessions and inputs. The group was grateful to Mrs Erudhaya Mary who sponsored cakes and fruits distributed to the inmates. The session ended at 1.30 pm with a vote of thanks.

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