Shimoga : July 20, 2016: To encourage and empower laity leadership in the Diocese of Shimoga a seminar on Catholic Association was organized to the clergy of the Diocese on July 19, 2016 at Chaitanya, Shimoga. Most Rev. Bishop Peter Machado, the President of Regional Laity Commission and the Regional Joint Secretary Mrs. Clara Fernandes were the Resource Persons.
Addressing clergy of the Diocese Bishop Peter Machado spoke on the theme of “the mercy in the life of Priest”. He said priest as pastor function three important role that is: The prophetic role, as King and the Shepherd. Quoting Holy Father Bishop said that Priest should never get tired in showing God’s mercy to the faithful.
Speaking about the empowering the laity bishop said, the corporal works of the mercy are best administered through the lay association like Catholic Association. Mrs. Clara Fernandes as the Lay person explained the role and the formation of the Catholic Association in parishes. She also spoke about its scope, functions and modalities. The seminar was enriching and encouraged the clergy to support the lay leaders in the parishes church by organized Catholic Association unity at parish and Diocese level.