Shimoga : August 05, 2016: The Patron of the Priest St John Maria Vianney Day was celebrated in the Diocese of Shimoga by Shimoga Diocese CRI Religious Unit on August 04, 2016 at Chaitanya, Shimoga.  The Clergy of the Diocese came together on August 3, 2016 for the recollection day on the eve of the feast of St. John Maria Vianney.  Bishop Francis Serrao delivered the recollection talk on the theme of ‘Pope Francis: The Icon of Merciful Priesthood’.  Bishop in his talk invited everyone to imitate Pope Francis.   He said, Pope Francis long to see a poor Church which is the Church of the poor, Pope invites all priests to be human, priests are for people and priests are the Dispensers of Mercy.  Bishop Francis gave seven aspects of Pope Francis’ Vision for the Priesthood. i) Intimacy with Christ, ii) Familiarity with people, iii) Loving service, iv) Ministry of Mercy, v) Simplicity of life, vi) Integrity of life, vii) Source of Blessing.













On August 4, there Holy Adoration during which priest received the sacrament of Reconciliation and Reflection spiritual talk addressed by Bishop Francis Serrao on the life of St. John Maria Vianney. After the talk there was Holy Eucharist presided by Bishop Francis and all clergy con-celebrated in the Holy Eucharist. After the Holy Eucharist along with the newly elected Diocesan CRI office Bearers and members organized some party games to the clergy.  During which the Golden Jubilarian Rev. Fr. Anthony D’Souza and the Silver Jubilarian Rev.Fr. Denis Mathais were felicitated on behalf of Religious CRI Unity. Rev. Fr. Stany D’Souza, the Chancellor of the Dioceses On behalf of Bishop and Clergy thanked the Diocesan CRI Unity for the thoughtfulness and meaning celebration of the patron Saint of the Clergy, St. John Maria Vianney

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