Silver Jubilee of Legion of Mary

Shivamogga, Bhadravati January 29, 2023: Our Lady of Velanganni Parish, Bhadravati, Diocese of Shimoga celebrated Silver Jubilee of Legion of Mary Presidum of the parish. 

At 8 am Diocesan Legion of Mary Spiritual Director Fr Franklin D’Souza offered Holy Eucharist together with Parish Priest Fr Steevan D'Sa. In his homily he explained who is blessed in life, based on day's Gospel which was based on beatitudes. He invited faithful to Abide in Jesus, Abide in his Word and Abide in his love. He asked everyone to follow the footsteps of Blessed Virgin Mary in obedience, in surrender and in trusting in the Word of God. Then he prayed for all.

After the homily the new members took Oath and others renewed their commitment as Legionaries. Fr Steevan D'Sa thanked Fr Franklin D’Souza. 

After the mass at 10:30 am there was celebration of the Silver Jubilee. Parish Priest Fr Steevan D'Sa was the president of the program. Diocesan President of Legion of Mary Mr. Anthony Dias was the chief guest. Other office bearers of Diocesan Legion of Mary were present. Legion of Mary Parish President Mrs. Jessy Gonsalves welcomed the guests. Fr Steevan D'Sa congratulated the Legionaries for their dedicated service and commitment. Other guests too congratulated the Presidum members. Program concluded with Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction led by Fr Steevan D'Sa.  

Program concluded with the lunch.

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