Shri Thawar Chand Gehlot, Hon’ble Governor of Karnataka visited the Basilica of our Lady of Health on June 25, 2024 at 01.15 P.M., after his scheduled inaugural of St Aloysius International School at Harihar. His was given a red-carpet welcome to the Minor Basilica by Dr Francis Serrao S.J. Bishop of Shimoga, Fr Dionysius Vas, Provincial of Karnataka Jesuits, Fr K.A. George the Parish Priest Fr Richard Mascarenhas, the Assistant Parish Priest and the church and school office bearers.  The children of Maria Nivas School warmly welcomed the Governor with flower bouquet and showered flower petals on him from the gate up to the church entrance. It was like the Governor was walking on a bed of flowers. The Governor respectfully proceeded in to the church and moved to the grotto of the miraculous statue of our Lady of Health and spent some time before the statue of Our Lady.

After spending some time with devotional respect to our Lady he proceeded to the main church where he was ceremoniously honoured by Bishop Francis Serrao S.J., Fr Dionysius Vas S.J. and Fr George K.A.  Bishop Francis briefly explained the history of the Minor Basilica, the finding of the statue in the river and prayed over the Governor, specially mentioning his responsible work in the state, for the welfare of his family and progress of the State of Karnataka. After receiving the blessing from the Bishop, the Governor expressed his desire to spend a little time in the Basilica to offer his respect to our Lady of Health. As he sat on the bench on the front row of the church, Bishop Francis Serrao S.J., Fr Dionysius Vas S.J. and Fr George K.A sat with him accompanying him in the silence.

After this he shared with those assembled saying: “You Christian people celebrate Mother Mary’s Birthday on the 8th of September. Incidentally it is my birthday also and therefore it is a special day for me. I will remember this place specially.”

As the Governor Shri Thawar Chand Gehlot, came out of the church, the children of the Maria Nivas School along with their Headmistress and teachers waited for him to greet him and express their joy at his presence. It was indeed a very touching moment for the Basilica and the School to have such a great dignitary spend his precious time with them. The Governor himself expressed his joy for having spent quiet moments at such a holy place.

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