June 30th, 2019 : Our Lady of Assumption Church at Hiriyur held singing competition for it's Six SCC Samudaya's. The strength of the parish is in Small Christian Community. Parish Priest Fr Franklin D'Souza and Assistant Parish Priest Fr Nelson D'Souza is making every effort to strengthen the Parish community. As Fr Franklin D'Souza took over as the Parochial Administrator on October 1st 2018 together with Fr Stany Dcunha then assistant he concentrated to revive SCC's. Diocesan Director for SCC Fr Venus Praveen Colaco helped in training the Parish SCC.

On May 19th,2019; Bishop Francis Serrao Sj of the Diocese of Shimoga appointed Fr Franklin D'Souza as the Parish Priest of our Lady of Assumption Church, Hiriyur. New assistant Fr Alphonse Nelson D'Souza with full zeal continued the mission started at the parish. He visited Every house in the Parish and motivated the faithful.

To encourage SCC'S now they have started Every month get together of the SCC'S with and spiritual event. It was well attended. All most all the parishioners participated with enthusiasm.

Fr Nelson D'Souza was the master mind of the program. Together with Fr Franklin D'Souza, Fr Nelson D'Souza, Superiors Sr. Jude and Sr. Prathima, Parish Council secretary Mrs. Sophia Michael and Parish Council member Mr. Shaji were on the dais.

Mr. P.S. Joseph welcomed the gathering. YCS students led the Prayer song. Fr Franklin D'Souza appreciated the enthusiasm of the faithful. He inagurated the program with his blessing. Fr Nelson D'Souza explained the rules of the program. Sr. Alwyn compered the program.

There were six SCC's namely St. Don Bosco, St. Mary's, St.Teresa's, St. Francis Xavier's, St. Anthony's, St. Joseph's and St Sebastian.

Mrs. Luvina Vincent thanked everyone. Program concluded with concluding hymn.


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