Sunday, 14 July 2019 was a day of joy and celebration for the little flock of Molakalmuru when for the first time the Bishop conferred the Sacrament of Confirmation on adults as well as children. The spiritual thrill and excitement of these simple people was an evident sign of their interior joy of being the recipients of the Christian faith and devotion. Indeed the faith, fervour and fellowship in the parish are an eloquent sign of the vibrant mission that exists in Molakalmuru, thanks to the dedication, zeal and sacrificial service of the pastor and his team including the Sisters.






It was a happy coincidence that it was the birthday of Fr Arun Venil D'Silva, the Pastor, which was celebrated with due solemnity. Fr Venil confessed that it was the first time he was celebrating his birthday in such a grand manner.

All in all it was a day to remember, cherish and to record in the annals of history of the Mission of Molakalmuru.

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