Fr George Vincent Lobo the Diocesan Director for BECs, along with the Parish Priest, Mgr Felix Noronha, Fr Joy Joison Andrade, the Asst. Parish Priest and Mr Francis Dsouza and Team conducted the Training program of Basic Christian Communities was held on 19th May, 2024 at St Joseph’s Church Sagar.

The program commenced with the enthronement of the Bible, which was led by Mr Francis D'Souza and Rev Fr Joy Joison, the Assistant Parish Priest. This was followed by a prayer service led by Mr Francis D'souza, the core team member of the diocese and deanery.  The Parish committee members welcomed the resource person, Fr George Vincent Lobo, the Diocesan Director for BECs and the participants.  They also welcomed the Parish Priest and the Assistant Parish Priest, appreciating their initiative to introduce the BCC activities in the Parish. 

This was followed by the talk by the resource person Fr George lobo who spoke of the need of BECs in the Parish community and how it is connected to the overall growth of the universal Church. He in a very simple way explained how each individual can personally contribute in the building of the Local Church. He stressed on the responsibility of the core team of the parish to build the Small Christian Community. The resource person also answered various questions of the participants regarding the SCC and the contribution to the church.  He beautifully responded to their query regarding the smooth working of BCC all over the world and how it works in India.

Mr Francis D’Souza, the Diocesan resource team member helped the participants to refresh their knowledge about 7 steps of Gospel sharing and its effectiveness in their day-to-day life of the Parish. Mgr Felix Noronha in a very simple way explained how the Small Christian Communities came into the recent teaching of the church and its contribution has transformed the local and universal church.  He stressed on the role of each individual to spread this great message initiated by the resource person. Fr Joy Joison expressed his gratitude to the Parish priest for his initiative, the resource person for his scholarly contribution and the parish team for their participation in the entire session.

At the end of the training session, a Parish Team, having 7 members was formed to help all the BECs in the Parish. There were 49 participants, who came from 25 BECs of the Parish. At the end, Mr Francis D’Souza thanked everyone present. It concluded with the final blessing by the resource person.

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