02 June 2024

Subodha, the Diocesan Catechism Commission conducted a training programme for our Catechism teachers on Sunday, 02 June 2024 at Sannidhi from 9.30am to 2.00pm. It was appreciable to see active participation of our catechism teachers from parishes to attend this training session, a programme to participate and learn. It was good to see 108 catechism teachers participating in the training program from all parishes. Bishop Francis Serrao SJ was the resource person who addressed the teachers on following topics.

1. Need for faith formation of children in the present context.

2. The background of the books of Genesis and Exodus.

3. The inclusive ideology of Jesus and His Mission mandate as in His Manifesto (Luke 4: 16ff).

Bishop Francis in his unique and masterly way dealt with topics on faith formation and the knowledge of scriptures. He held group discussions as a methodology to teach catechism to students and taught them the way to make topics very interesting.

The celebration of Holy Eucharist was the central part of the entire catechetical programme. Bishop Francis Serrao S.J. was the main celebrant along with Fr. Simon Pinto, Coordinator of all Commissions in the diocese and Fr. Santhosh Vincent D'Almeda, Director of Subodha as concelebrants. Fr. Simon Pinto Broke the Word of God and explained the importance of Eucharist in our life as Christians as we celebrate the feast of Corpus Christ. He invited the participants to remain tuned further to the theme of the gathering, namely to strengthen our faith formation and to instil Biblical knowledge in the minds of our students.

After the Holy Eucharist Fr. Santhosh Vincent D'Almeda expressed his appreciation of all the diocesan catechism teachers for their participation and keen interest in the faith formation of their parish children. He also informed them about the catechism syllabus and gave general instruction about the mode of functioning of Subodha in collaboration with all the priests, religious and teachers of our Diocese. He stressed on the necessity of having compulsory catechism classes for all our Catholic Students and value education classes for our non- Christian students in our diocese.

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